Neptune ISO Download

Version 8.1 (Juna)

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Neptune 8.0 "Juna" is here


We are proud to announce the release of Neptune 8.0 ("Juna"). This is the first major release of version 8.0 based on Debian 12  ("Bookworm")

This version comes with the latest major underlying changes from Debian 12 ("Bookworm").
The Linux Kernel has been updated to Version 6.1 to provide support for new hardware and better compatibility with current hardware. Additionally, KDE Plasma has been upgraded to version 5.27 along with all KDE applications present in version 22.12.3.

In Neptune 8.0, we rely entirely on the software management of Plasma Discover, which is now mature enough for us to provide it with Flatpak support and the Flathub repository. As a result, the package management tool Muon has been removed.

Other software updates include Chromium 115 as well as Thunderbird 102 and VLC 3.0.18.


As always, you can find the new version on our Downloadpage. Existing Neptune 7 installations can be updated through the update manager and will continue to receive security updates. An upgrade script will be provided later.

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