Neptune ISO Download

Version 8.1 (Juna)

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Neptune 5.3


We are proud to announce version 5.3 of Neptune . 

This update represents the current state of Neptune 5 and renews the ISO file so if you install Neptune you don't have to download tons of Updates. 

In this update we renewed the Intel driver to not force the UXA acceleration. Instead the X-Server will now automatically choose when to use the older DDX driver or the newer Modesettings driver..

Other main changes in this version are the update of KDE Frameworks to version 5.46  and KDE Applications to version 18.04.2. As the new KF5 version is not compatible with Qt 5.7 anymore we had to backport its patches to version 5.45.

VLC has been updated to 3.0.2 to provide more speed and lots of bugfixes. 

Thunderbird 52.8 fixes issues with encrypted html e-mails. The Calamares Installer is now available in version 3.2.0 Git 20180605 which provides some bugfixes and a revamped world map to choose the timezone. We also now enabled the easy full disk encryption which should work more reliable.

When running out of memory ZRAM creates a compressed swap space to aid the memory usage. We now use only half of the CPUs for the compression process to keep the system interactive even in heavy out of memory situations. 

LibreOffice is now available in version 6.0.5. We fixed an issue with Plasma Discover crashing on some devices.


You can find more information on our changelog site.

All existing Neptune 5 users only have to perform a normal update via the packagemanager or Discover. 


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