KDE Applications 17.04
by Leszek
The brand new version of KDE Applications with plenty new features and bugfixes.
Biggest change of this release in all packages is the inclusion of translations for the specific applications. This makes the old kde-l10n packages obsolete just like kde-l10n-de for the german localization.
Dolphin features smooth scrolling in this new release. The freespace indicator now clearly shows on mouse hover that it hides some goodies that you want to try out by clicking it.
Ark got plenty of improvements in the details just like better support password encrypted RAR archives, better p7zip support including apk files, aswell as better support for sorting. This new version also includes a new feature which allows you to search for files inside the archive.
Kate the texteditor brings better search functionality and allows now searching in different tabs. This version also marks the end of running the texteditor as root user and encourages using alternatives just like sudoedit if you want to use kate to edit files which are only accessible as root.
Kdenlive again features plenty of fixes and new features which help to improve the overall workflow when editing video files under linux. If you want to know more about the changes in details and KDE Applications 17.04 in general visit the official Changelog site by KDE.