Early Christmas Present
by Leszek
Plasma 5.5 available for testing
The Neptune Team whishes all users a merry christmas.
As a present we offer you today a great new desktop that you might want to try out.
Plasma 5.5 for Neptune 4.4 is available for testing. We prepared four new software repositories for it.
Important: This is a test version. We recommend all users who are happy with their Plasma 4 desktop to stay on it as the Plasma 5 upgrade will remove Plasma 4 and will not import any settings from it.
1. Please prepare a Backup of your existing system. If you installed on Btrfs you can create a Backup with
sudo btrfs-snapshot plasma4
This will create a bootable snapshot that allows you later on also to switch between Plasma 4 and 5 Installations.
2. Adding of software repositories manually. You need the following repositories for Plasma 5.5 .
deb http://proindi.de/zevenos/neptune/repo-nm/ sid main
deb http://proindi.de/zevenos/neptune/repo-qt5/ sid main
deb http://proindi.de/zevenos/neptune/repo-kf5/ sid main
deb http://proindi.de/zevenos/neptune/repo-plasma5/ sid main
3. Installing of Plasma 5.5.
Warning: Don't perform updates with the update manager apper as it might lead to a broken system. Use following commands instead.
sudo apt-get install kde-l10n-de
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get install baloo bluedevil kde-config-gtk-style kde-style-oxygen kde-window-manager khelpcenter4 kinfocenter kmenuedit kscreen ksshaskpass ksysguard ksysguardd libpoppler-glib8 libpoppler-qt4-4 libproxy-tools libpython2.7 libqca2 libqca2-plugin-gnupg libqca2-plugin-ossl network-manager plasma-dataengines-addons plasma-desktop plasma-runners-addons plasma-widgets-addons polkit-kde-1 poppler-utils python python-minimal python2.7 python2.7-minimal systemsettings plasma-nm kdeplasma-addons pulseaudio
4. After the successful installation Plasma 4 won't be able to execute logout, reboot or shutdown anymore. To restart the login manager switch and login to a TTY (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F1) and execute
sudo systemctl restart kdm
Plasma 5 should be now the default session and start after login.
Warnung: Packages on hold should not forced to be installed as they might break the system.
Known Problems: Mounting external devices works only through the green arrow in device watcher. A normal click will only lead to an error message.